
March 11, 2008

Spring Cleaning....LOL

Aight....just to let er'body know, King's back! I'm better than I've ever been too! It feels good to be back in the mindset I am most comfortable with. The fuck it attitude definitely works for me. See a lot of shit has been happening with me lately and I've comt to the point where i'm just like fuck it. If it's meant to be, so shall it be done ya dig? I can't help things that happen to me or around me for that matter. I can, however, make my surroundings much more pleasant.

LOL!!! Ain't that just the coolest shit?

Anyway....some shit has been irking the hell outta me as of late, so in an attempt to alleviate my irkdom, I've decided to let yawl know what I'll be doing for the next couple of days.

This basically serves as a....

Slowly but surely certain things have been buggin me that may seem trivial to you. They are probably trivial to me as well, but it's bothering me none the less. Some of you may have read Ms. Pantz blog a while back about post dating blogs, and shit like that. I said the post dating doesn't bother me, which it doesn't. I also stated I've unsubscribed for less. Well folks....I'm the type of person that actually likes to read what you write.

I have recently unsubscribed to 3 people and counting. Reason....I have to be your friend to read your blog. If you know that I must be your friend first, send me a friend request, then invite me to your blog. I'm not requiring you to know my last name at the moment to send me a reuest. I'm actually....not being a dick by blocking people. That's what I was gonna do but instead of having the.....

But what real good would have come out of that? Nothing. But for the life of me, I don't understand how you can invite someone to your blog knowing they cant read it because of your settings. Basically what I'm getting at is if you're inviting me to your blog, you're telling me it's okay to read your shit....without being a friend.

I'll be back with more Spring "Cleaning" Tips...

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