
February 19, 2008

What's going on out here in MySpacedom? I hope everyone is enjoying themselves today. I know I just so happen to be. I managed to keep myself outta jail for the time being. Don't ask....RK has never admitted to being a law-abiding citizen. LOL! Anyway, Phellah G reached his 200th blog last week....STANDING OVATION FOR PHELLAH. For blog 201....a tag blog that has floated around here much to much. You know the one...."10 Weird Things You Don't Know About Me" blog. I've seen at least 15 different versions of this tag. Well....he switched it up. You can check him out here. In the end he left it open for people to do whatever they wished. Gotta love a guy like that!

Fast forward to today. At approximately 7:55pm EST Ms. 9/5: The Bouncing Elephant Girl....posted a blog entitled...."But I so Love it!" This woman LOVES TAG BLOGS! Took me a while to notice but she loves them. She loves the tagging part that comes with it. Well she has tagged The Royal One. SMCH! And in doing so....she has subject you to.....

10 or so....Things I Love

10. Michelob Family Beer

I don't know what it is but this is my favorite family of beer. Itend to favor Michelob Light now-a-days. I'm trying to maintain my girlish figure. LOL! Basically my ass ain't trying to put on no excess weight. I gotta hit the gym and get my shit tight. Don't no chick wanna see a skinny dude with a gut on a bike in the summer. That's not a very good look for me. Like Sean John says....."I need to maintain my sexy.

9. Cheese Sticks

I know how you feel....I've been addicted to these scrumptious snacks since the 6th grade. There was a spot Downtown Chicago, that me and my wild ass friends stumbled upon one day. We were at the Harold Washington Library, as it was called back then, and weget hungry and decide to take a break. We walk up bout a block in a half. There was a McDonald's and a Burger King right next to eeach other. Right between the two was this space and I notice this spot....Ronnie's Steakhouse. We went in and that was when I first had Mozzarella Sticks. Been in love ever since. I could go for some Ronnie's right now too!

8. Chicago

I love my city! There is no place like Chicago! Where else can you chill at a barber shop all day. Ladies....they have a nail and hair shop on the second floor. Shoot pool, play cards, Drink, smoke if you so choose, and still have places to go later at night. Ask PhReSh....she will tell you how we get down in Chicago. We have the world's laargest food festival, The Taste of Chicago. The Magnificent Mile, which you need to see at night. One of the most expensive McDonald's, the Rock 'N Roll McDonald's. Not to mention New Year's Eve in the yazzlebub!

"See now, I'm from a city in the Midwest, best city in the whole wide wide world!" - Lupe Fiasco

7. Travelling

I've said it time and time again that you owe it to yourself to get out and see the world. Trust me....we aren't the ones living the "good life" like we think we are. I've been to over 30 different countries in 9 years. I'd rather live over there than here. Real talk. I've been trying to get the final details hammered out for a MySpace Event in November....a trip to Amsterdam. Go to a nude beach and not worry about someone calling the cops because your beautiful mammaries are larger than theirs. See the EiffelTower, The Colliseum, Stone Henge, The Pyramids of Egypt. For real....get out and see something.

6. Motorcycles

Somethng about being on 2 wheels that does it for me. I know Zirc has been battling with the notion and I know showing more pictures of these sexy machines won't make it better....but I had to do it. For those of you thinking about motocycle riding, be sure to look up Motorcycle Safety Courses in your area. They are very useful and will help you be a better rider or passenger.

5. Family (MySpacians included)

I couldn't live without yawl nuts for real. Yawl constantly remind me of why I need to be around. Yawl do some of the damdest things, and I'm glad I'm always there to record every waking moment of your fuckery! Evidence is a bitch! LOL!!!

4. Art

Photography, graffiti, cubism, contemporary, modern, expressionism, music.....I LOVE ART!!! Artists are geniuses because they have the inate ability to create work that is universal. Their work stands the test of time and will always be held in high regard to me.

3. HGtv

I swear that has to be the second best channel after the Cartoon Network! Especially with me wanting to get into real estate, this channel is amazing. Though Carter has some metro tendencies.....let that dude loose in your house and he works miracles. And just because I watch HGtv don't think for one second Thumper and Bumper won't talk to ya.

2. Oral Sex

I'm not gonna get to in depth with that. I'm good at it and I have people that will vouch for my prowess.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

To protect the innocent I will not say her name. She knows how I feel about her, and that it will never change. Don't try to guess who I'm talking about either....she ain't a MySpacer.

That's my list....I'm only gonna tag one person. LaTasha told me one time she loves getting tagged. So here ya go beautiful. Anyone else....tag yo'self!


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