
August 31, 2007

What if the shoe was on the other foot?

I know there have been many blogs and bulletins posted about the young men in Jena, Louisiana. When I first heard the story of these young men, I felt compelled to write about it. I started but I became enraged as I am now. So I pose this question.....what if the shoe was on the other foot? I am fully aware of the white readers I have, and by no means am I racist. Those that know me know I hate stupidity and ignorance, both of which isn't bound by race, color, or creed. So with having said that, if you are offended by this blog then it is you who needs to take a deep look at who you are as a person.

So....what if the shoe was on the other foot? How would you feel if African's came to Europe and brought you back and forced you to work for them? What if Native Americans did the same? If you are scratching your head wondering what the fuck is this guy talking about, I'll break it down. In case anyone was wondering....we all came to America on a boat. Difference is, come of you had a choice in how you came over. Indians or Native Americans to be politically correct, were here long before Amerigo Vespucci or Christopher Columbus (who fucking missed), ever came in search of the fine spices from the West Indies. Europeans in search of a better life came to America on the Mayflower and Lord knows what other ships and saw the indians living happily and in relative peace. So now as I write this let's see why I get so irrate when a white person blows stuff of as insignificant. When those Europeans came over in search of a better life what happened? They eventually fucked over the indians. You can deny it all you want but white people have a long history of fucking people over in the name of Christianity. If you think I'm bullshitting....ask the Native Americans that live on these reservations you so convieniently placed them in.

Example two....slave trade. Africans didn't swim over here and say, "Hey.....I'd like to pick your cotton, work for free, and receive beatings by my owner! that sounds like the job for me!" Despite what you see in those movies, Africans were forced to come over to America. I know there are plenty of movies that show Africans sending other Africans to the white man. Remember the Nativie Americans how they were tricked. Same goes to the Africans. By using Christianity as a crutch....they loaded Africans on that ship like they were fucking animals! Tell me this shit is right! Then have the ardasity to put them on a stage and sell them to the highest bidder. Why do you think every chance they got they tried to escape. They were smart enough to realize that the situation they were in was fucked up! I know the smart man tries and the ignorant cope.

So know we fast forward to the 60's when racial tension was at it's highest. Segregation, which was simply a modern form of slavery, attempted to make African-Americans feel inferior to our white counterparts. You used terms like coon, nigger, spook, tar baby, and monkey to degrade us. White people utilized tactics such as cross-burning (biggest sacrilegous act I can think of), lynchings, and intimidation as means to "keep us in out place." Lynchings were so widely would be taken by white people with their kids like they just caught a fish or some shit. Can you tell me by looking at this picture....this was justified? Any leader we had or have get silenced (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., John and Robert Kennedy, Huey Newton, and Mumia Abu-Jamal to name a few). For those that don't know JFK and RFK were the some of the biggest supporters of the Civil Rights Movement and fought for ways to better the nation through tolerance and understanding.

Here we are now with Jena, Louisiana. 3 nooses hang from a tree and nothing happens to the individuals that did it. I don't care what you say.....displaying of a 13 knot noose in such a manner constitues a hate crime. A couple weeks suspension is a slap on the wrist. I see how it a town of about 4,000 people and only 350 are African-American you all hold the majority decison on what is right or wrong. Ok, six angry black kids beat up a poor little old white boy. He was out the hospital 3 hours later and a party later that night, yet you charged these young men with attempted murder? That's keeping us in our place huh?

So now I ask you. What if the shoe was on the other foot? How would you feel if African's had white people for slaves? What if the indians forced white people on a reservation? What if white people were the ones fighting for civil rights? How would you like it if African-Americans were hanging white people from trees and taking pictures of it? Then what if you got mad because a tree you wanted to sit under was a "black" only tree and then you found nooses hanging from the tree? Would you be mad if 4 days of racial tension culminated into 6 white kids beating up a black kid for calling you peckerwood or honky? Would you you supprt the Jena 6 if they were white? Reverse the situation and put yourself in our shoes. This is what African-Americans had to endure. America is as much mine as it is yours! Only difference is you had the choice to come over....

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